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Published at ENEMEEZ

Increase Confidence at the Gym!

Every person with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) has different fitness abilities and needs depending on the completeness and location of their injury. Consult with your care team about gym exercises that are safe and effective for you. Wheelchair users do not need to feel that their injury prevents them from working out.

In fact, it is very beneficial for someone who uses a wheelchair to perform exercises that counterbalance the strength being developed due to their use of a wheelchair. For example, people who use manual wheelchairs engage their chest and shoulder muscles frequently, which can cause muscle imbalance and make them more prone to injury. To counterbalance this it’s important to focus on building up back muscles.

There is also a link in this article that is an invitation to join The Thrive Community on Facebook. The Thrive Community Facebook Group is a private space for any person with a disability, as well as caregivers and healthcare providers that touch their lives.

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