A Bowel Questionnaire

A Bowel Questionnaire

Curated Content Published at Wellspect The questionnaire, published at Wellspect, is for your own purpose only. The bowel questionnaire will help to make you feel prepared for questions you might receive from healthcare professionals. The answers can facilitate the...
Working Out with a Wheelchair

Working Out with a Wheelchair

Curated Content Published at ENEMEEZ Increase Confidence at the Gym! Every person with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) has different fitness abilities and needs depending on the completeness and location of their injury. Consult with your care team about gym exercises that...
Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction

Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction

Curated Content Published at Wellspect The descending colon and the rectum are the final stages of the human intestine system. Normally the rectum is relatively empty. Stools do not enter the rectum continuously but as mass movements. What is Neurogenic Bowel...